the sign of a very very sick society…
By Vivek Hande
What has
happened to us as a society? Is there no end to this perversion? Are there
new depths to which we can plummet? Is
there an end to this? Is there any light at all, at the end of this
interminable dark tunnel?
I am , by
nature , an optimist . But I ask myself ,is there place for optimism? You pick
up the paper any day and you have to read the gory details of a terrible rape
in some part of the city or country. No age, locality, socio-economic class
seems to be spared. It almost seems to have reached epidemic proportions. Is it
because we have degenerated as a society ; is it to do with poor upbringing; is
it to do with moral decadence; altered value systems ;is it to do with economy
or corruption or whatever else people want to blame everything on? I just
cannot fathom how and why we have reached this terrible state of depravity?
The same
cycle repeats itself again and again. There is a rape followed by some angry
and agonized sound bytes. Some grand-standing and some sloganeering. Some candle marches and
some innovative placards and posters being thrown about. Endless debates on endless
TV shows -discussing, pontificating, suggesting and demanding and so on. But
unfortunately, while these discussions are
on , another woman , another girl , another child is being raped and we
seem to be silent bystanders . While the protests grow louder and slogans are
high pitched, the noise and the din seems to be drowning the screams and pleas
of another woman being violated that very moment.
Laws and
Bills are being discussed and being promulgated. Discussions take place at
every level- the street side chai
shop; in homes and malls; in clubs and cafes; in print and visual media; in
Supreme court and Parliament but the sad truth is that the epidemic rages on. I
don’t want to get into a debate on a “second chance” for the rapist and the
“quantum of punishment” and other distracting issues. I just know that there
has to be a system in place where a man thinks and thinks and thinks yet again
before committing this most heinous crime –unless there is a fear, unless he is
scared that the crime will be followed by punishment and humiliation for himself,
he will continue to be emboldened to behave in this dastardly manner.
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